Home in Cumbernauld

"I had fairly old storage heaters in my house and wanted to replace these for a more flexible heating system. I Initially considered gas however the cost of a connection to the nearby gas main was quite high, as well as the cost of a wet system. I then investigated other types of electrical based systems and the most cost effective to run. Information available indicated that infrared was a cost efficient way to heat the house, with the benefit of relatively low purchase costs and no maintenance. The available information also advised health benefits associated with infrared (good as I get older). Initially I invested in a couple of glass panel infrared heaters to see how they worked out. Was pleased with the results so decided to install a complete system. I did some online searches for companies supplying the heaters and the Infrared Heater Company had a great range. The reviews were also encouraging. I decided to have a hard wired system and my electrician, who had not installed these types of heaters, contacted the company and received advice regarding their installation.

My heaters are suspended from the ceiling and are also higher up on some walls as we have a mixture of IR heater types. The advantage is that you do not lose out on wall space associated with conventional radiators either gas or electric. My heaters were installed in spring this year so have not been run for any significant time so far. However the last week or so temperatures have dropped so I have been using them. Brilliant - almost instantaneous heat. I have them thermostatically controlled which means they are not constantly on to provide sufficient heat and as such I expect cost benefits to be gained."