Holbeton Village Hall

  "Holbeton Village Hall was completed in 1961 and was excellently built to the to the standards of

the time. Over the years the insulation has been improved with the fitting of double glazing and

loft insulation. Last year it was decided to replace the old heating system in the main hall. This

consisted of eight antiquated, 3Kw radiant heaters. These had many disadvantages, not least

the fact that they were uncontrollable and very bright which meant that they could not be on

during films or plays.

After a lot of consideration, it was decided to fit modern, Infra-Red Heaters and after

researching the market, we decided to fit six 2Kw PRO No Glow Infra-Red Heaters, supplied by

the UK Infra Red Heating Company. Industrial Infrared Heaters Far Infrared Commercial Heaters UK.


These heaters have proved ideal for our purposes, they are very well controlled by a simple

thermostat system, they heat the room very well for much less cost and give off no visible light.

We highly recommend this heating system; the hall is about 12M x 8M."

Richard Jackelman